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How To Get Rid Of A Headache While Pregnant

how to get rid of a headache while pregnant

Having a headache is one of the worst things in the world. For me at least, I consider headaches to be incredibly annoying and painful. This is ten times worse when you are pregnant with a child. The problem with not knowing how to get rid of a headache while pregnant is you have to try multiple things until something finally works. This can take time, which most people do not have. I used to get the absolute worst migraine headaches back in the day. Let me tell you that I hated it more than anything in the entire world. I tried so many different things and I could not find anything that worked for me. Until of course I found some.

There are a handful of remedies that you can try out if you want to get rid of a headache. They are also safe, all natural and not in any way harmful to you or the baby. This was the most important thing to me at the time and I wanted to make sure that I was not doing any harm to my little one. It took me a couple of weeks until I found what worked for me but eventually things began to come together. I will give you a list and a few details about the things that I used to get rid of my headaches. If they interest you or if they had any positive effect on you, please leave a comment and let me know!

1. Heated Mattress Pad

Get yourself a heated mattress pad. This will give you the best chance at getting rid of your headache. Not only that but it will also be able to give you a chance to just relax in general. The best heated mattress pad can be found online at this popular review site.

1.Drink Water

Your doctor will tell you this over and over again and so will I. There is a strong possibility that the main cause of your headaches is dehydration. If you do not know what dehydration is, its when you do not drink enough water and you start to have bad symptoms. Headaches are one of the symptoms of dehydration, in fact it is one of the main ones. So with that being said, do yourself a favor and drink more water. It is really not as hard as you may think it is, every time you are in the kitchen pour yourself a cup of water and chug it down!

2.Peppermint And Lavender

Both of these awesome herbs are an excellent addition to all of these remedies. Having a tension headache is much less likely to happen if you have yourself one or even both of these. Both peppermint oil and lavender oil can be found on amazon for a fairly cheap price. I like to add both of them to my favorite brand of tea and drink it when I have a problem. You can however try it in many other things such as baths, showers and face wash!

3.Try To Sleep

I now know that sleeping is the most important thing for you to do. Not only for headaches but for just life in general. You are learning how to get rid of a headache while pregnant and this is important. I suggest taking a nice long nap, preferably in a dark and cold room. I would also suggest doing this in a room where there is no noise but I know how difficult that can be sometimes so do not worry.

More Sources : 5 Types of Headaches -

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